ACE Biotechnology is proudly launching high-concentrate hashtagTrigonelline from hashtag#Fenugreek Extract, which is manufactured by our unique and patent-based technology.
Trigonelline-rich plant extract is a new and hot hashtagcognition supplement ingredient. Recent scientific study results have shown: - trigonelline is capable of diminishing LPS-induced cognitive (hashtaglearning & hashtagmemory) decline via suppression of hashtaghippocampal oxidative stress and inflammation and appropriate modulation of NF-κB/TLR4 and AChE activity; - trigonelline pretreatment in Aβ model of hashtagAlzheimer disease could improve cognition and is capable to alleviate neuronal loss through suppressing oxidative stress, astrocyte activity, and inflammation and also through preservation of mitochondrial integrity; - trigonelline might be considered as a potential therapeutic compound for ameliorating cognitive aging and neuroinfammation-related CNS dysfunctions.
How Olive Tree Started to Cultivate in China?January 18, 2023Many traditional and emerging countries have developed their olive industries such as Spain, Italy, Greece, France, the USA, and Australia because of the well-balanced oil composition and the great co...view
Unlocking the Secrets: How to Make and Use Blueberry PowderJune 18, 2024Blueberry powder has emerged as a versatile and nutrient-packed addition to a wide range of culinary and health products. As a professional manufacturer of blueberry powder, we understand that knowing...view
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Exploring the Benefits of Citrus Extracts for Health and Well-BeingMarch 22, 2023Citrus extracts are becoming increasingly popular due to their many health benefits and therapeutic properties. They are natural extracts derived from citrus fruits such as lemons, limes, oranges, and...view
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